What to expect from the blog…

by | Apr 17, 2017 | Therapy

Humans have evolved to where we are today with the help of anxiety, so the idea is to manage, rather than eliminate it!

Oftentimes, there can be nothing more debilitating than the thoughts we concoct about certain situations. Whether it is about what people will think of us, how we will deal with a difficulty, or the Sunday night before another busy week in work, our minds can ramp up our emotions, and have us in a state where the lines between imagination and reality are blurred.

Fundamentally, in order to feel anxiety, we have to have one foot in the future, and we have to be imagining, usually bad things. Fear is a response to something that is happening. Anxiety is usually about something that might happen. The emotion of fear can flow into motion or movement; fight or flee. The problem with anxiety is that you have the same energy, but it is to a fantasy. Who are you going to fight? There’s no one there. Who are you going to run from? This energy can cause a lot of problems, and could possibly bring on panic.

Anxiety is difficult to deal with at the best of times, but if you throw in the stress, deadlines, and human interactions of the workplace environment, then this can be a real recipe for pain.


The Blog…

Fundamentally, in order to feel anxiety, we have to have one foot in the future

This blog’s focus will be on the difficulty anxiety can cause for individuals in the workplace, with emphasis on General Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Social Anxiety Disorder, Panic attacks, symptoms of anxiety, and dealing with anxiety. I will be leaning heavily on my knowledge of both psychotherapy, and the workplace to give an in-depth look at the issues that can arise from an anxious mind, and what can be done to combat anxiety in work, and life in general. Using elements of Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Mindfulness, resilience, and lessons learned from life, I will show you where some of our problems may lie, and how to change the way we think about our world, which I hope you will find helpful.

The initial posts will be information about anxiety and CBT, ACT, etc. then I will move on to more specific situations around anxiety and work. This blog is designed to be a resource for self-help, to empower you to tackle your own anxiety and move on with your professional life.

Humans have evolved to where we are today with the help of anxiety, so the idea is to manage, rather than eliminate it!


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